Complete Diagnosis of Infertility

Identifying a fertility problem:

If you have not been capable to become pregnant after one year of regular, unprotected sexual intercourse, either one (or) both of you may have a fertility problem.

Which factors are responsible for infertility?

  • The role of hormone balances is very important in deciding the fertility problems in women
  • Irregular menstruation
  • Poor nutrition may cause fertility in female
  • Recurrent miscarriages
  • Failing to conceive for a significant period of time
  • Although a poor sperm count may be responsible for infertility in men
  • Unexplained infertility
  • Blocked fallopian tubes
  • Endometriosis
  • PCOS (poly cystic Ovary Syndrome)

Treating infertility:

Fertility treatments have a special role in treating infertility. We providing all the kinds of infertility services, fertility treatment options in Hyderabad are very much beneficial to the most of infertile patients. We successfully treated many causes of infertility in male and female. Our fertility treatment options (IVF, ICSI, IMSI, and IUI) can surely help you enjoy parenthood and also here number of pregnancy rates is consistently high and our treatment can reduces the chances to be infertile.

Complete diagnosis of infertility

For more details please contact us through email id:

Phone: +91-40-2339 3483

RIP IVF (Test Tube Baby) Pioneer Sir Robert Geoffrey Edwards

IVF Pioneer Sir Robert Geoffrey Edwards

IVF Pioneer Sir Robert Geoffrey Edwards

Professor Sir Robert Geoffrey Edwards, CBE, FRS the British physiologist and pioneer in reproductive medicine and in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) passed away on 10 April 2013. With this ends an era of IVF or Test Tube babies – a revolution in reproductive medicine which Sir Robert Geoffrey Edwards created along with surgeon Patrick Steptoe.

The first test-tube baby, Louise Brown was born on 25 July 1978. Sir Robert Geoffrey Edwards was awarded the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine “for the development of in vitro fertilization”. [Read more…]

Unable to have a Baby? Consult German IVF Specialist Visiting Hyderabad.

Unable to have a Baby? Consult German IVF Specialist. Attend Fertility Consultation on 7th March at Juhi Hyderabad.

Morpheaus Juhi Fertility Centre Hyderabad Organizes Confidential Fertility Consultation with German Infertility Specialist on 7th March, 2013

23rd Feb 2013, Hyderabad, India; There is a ray of hope for couples who are unable to have a baby; as Morpheaus Juhi Fertility Centre, Hyderabad Organizes Confidential Fertility Consultation with German Infertility Specialist on Tuesday 7th March, 2013.
The special consultation (only by appointment) with the leading German Fertility Specialist is organized by Dr. Nirmala’s Morpheaus Juhi Fertility Centre, Hyderabad. The special confidential infertility consultation camp in Hyderabad is a boon for couples who are unable to have a Baby by facing either Female or Male Fertility problems.

Speaking on the occasion Dr. Nirmala Agrawal, Chief Fertility Expert at Juhi Fertility Centre, Hyderabad said –

The special consultation camp is a great opportunity for the couples who are unable to have a baby and have critical infertility issues. During the consultation the couples will be examined and consulted by leading infertility experts from Germany and India. This exclusive consultation is specially organized for couples who have complex fertility issues and want to consult the overseas experts in India itself

Juhi Fertility Centre, Hyderabad has been on the forefront of infertility treatment in Hyderabad since its inception in 2010. This is third such camp organized by Juhi Fertility Centre which brings best panel of fertility experts from India and Germany as a hope for the childless couples. In June 2011 and May 2012 similar camps were successfully organized by Juhi Fertility Centre where more than 150 couples were consulted.
Those who are interested in consulting the fertility expert, can call for appointment to 0-97030-27868, 040-2339-3483. The expert will not be consulting without prior appointment. To avoid disappointment at last moment the couples are advised to book a consultation slot immediately by calling the above numbers.

About Juhi Fertility centre Hyderabad

The Juhi Fertility centre Hyderabad is led by Dr Nirmala Agrawal who is the Core Fertility Expert at the centre. Dr Nirmala Agrawal’s team comprises of fertility specialists committed to providing the best of fertility treatments available across the globe. The Juhi Fertility centre is centrally located in Hyderabad and easily accessible by rail, road and air transport for the convenience of local and international patients.

The Fertility Services offered at Juhi Fertility center include Confidential Counseling, IUI (Intra Uterine Insemination), IVF (In vitro Fertilization), ICSI (Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection), Blastocyst culture, Cryopreservation, Surgical sperm retrieval, and Donor programs (Egg / sperm / embryo & Surrogacy).

Juhi Fertility centre Hyderabad (leading IVF Clinics in Hyderabad India) is part of Indo German Fertility Centers in India backed by IVF of Germany.

About Dr Nirmala Agrwal

Dr Nirmala Agrawal is a renowned Infertility treatment expert in Hyderabad, and is well known for her competence in the management of infertility, high risk pregnancies and Laparoscopy assisted procedures. Dr Nirmala Agrawal has been trained in IVF and Clinical Embryology from Manipal and Cleveland Clinic, USA. She has received IVF, Advanced Infertility and Human Reproductive Endocrinology training at Bad Münder, Germany. She has participated in various national and international infertility management conferences and is a member of FOGSI, ASRM and ESHRE committee. Dr Nirmala Agrawal is the Core Fertility Specialist at the Juhi Fertility Center, Hyderabad – the leading IVF Clinics Hyderabad India. Dr Nirmala Agrawal writes and speaks regularly on treatment of infertility on various forums.

More details about Dr Nirmala Agrawal can be found at her website


Dr. Nirmala Agrawal
Juhi Fertility Center
10-5 -17, Masab Tank,
Near Khaja Mansion
Phone : 0-97030-27868, 040-2339-3483

Health Insurance Coverage for IVF Treatment

The health insurance coverage for IVF Treatment or Test Tube Baby Treatment is generally not available in India. In Vitro Fertilization coverage is normally not included in healthcare policies offered in India. While it is a common practice in USA where many healthcare insurance packages cover the IVF treatment fully or partially (limited to few cycles) and some of them cover the procedure costs and not the medicines. With no hospitalization required – the IVF treatments are treated at par with the day care procedures. [Read more…]

Fertility Clinic in Hyderabad – Andhra Business

Fertility Clinic in Hyderabad ART has been covered in website in a news titled “ART launches fertility clinic in Hyderabad” by Andhra Business Buero on October 20, 2010. [Read more…]

Fertility camp by Dr. Arvind Chandra leading fertility expert from Germany

fertility camp by  dr arvind chandra from badmunder germany for fertility camp

Dr Arvind Chandra

Juhi Fertility Center has organized a fertility camp by Dr. Arvind Chandra leading fertility expert from Bad Münder, Germany in June 2011.

Dr. Chandra has been practicing as a fertility expert in Germany since 1992. He is a member on the Board of Directors and is an expert in Human Reproductive Endocrinology. [Read more…]