Leading Fertility clinic in Hyderabad

Now a day’s infertility is a common problem in married couples; they are based on several reasons like age, habits and genetically problems. The solution is available in Juhi Fertility Clinic in Hyderabad. It’s a great opportunity for childless couples to have a child. The fertility clinic provides IVF, ICSI, IUI, IMSI Services etc.

leading fertility clinic
Hope for a child:
Babies are god’s gift, most of the couple’s life lead through the presence of this gods’ gift. But some exceptional cases couple having certain problem called infertility. It is incapability of a person to form a baby. Both men and women are seeing the infertility problem but the reason is different. Cases for infertility in men are low sperm count, injury, and illness also alcohol & smoking. In women’s are age, stress, irregular ovulation, block in fallopian tubes. Various types of infertility treatments options are available to success over these complications.

There are thousands of women at any given time that cannot become pregnant using their own eggs. Whether the reason is previous disease, chromosomal abnormalities, early menopause, premature ovarian failure, or simply poor egg quality, hopeful parents are often able to successfully become pregnant by using donated eggs from younger, more fertile women in the process of in vitro fertilization (IVF). Beginning a family can be a wonderful time in one’s life. However, while there are many who very much long to have children, for one reason or another, they are unable to conceive. There is a solution, though, in the process of fertility treatments.

For more details please contact us through email id: nopa56@gmail.com

Phone : +91-40-2339 3483

IMSI Hospitals Hyderabad

The development of assisted reproductive technology has been increasing in the last years and, therefore, many new techniques have been added. 

IMSI – Infertility Treatment: IMSI is used to increase the chances of fertilization during the IVF procedure.  By injecting a sperm cell directly into each of the selected eggs retrieved from the female partner’s ovaries.

Who needs IMSI?

  • When there have been history of  miscarriages
  • Where previous embryos have developed poorly
  • When there’s a high number of abnormal sperm
  • Patients with prolonged Unexplained Infertility
  • IMSI is a good choice for couples who have a factor of male infertility.

With the IMSI technique, our experts are better able to consider the structure of the sperm and exclude the sperm with suspected abnormalities from being injected into the available eggs.

IMSI Hospitals Hyderabad

For men with high numbers of abnormal sperm and previous poor outcomes in IVF with IMSI a greater selection tool may improve chance of fertilization and normal embryo development. Currently, IMSI is mainly helpful for patients with a history of miscarriages, male partners over 35 years, patients with previous unsuccessful treatment cycles not due to an egg factor and patients who have not achieved good quality embryos in previous cycles. Moreover, IMSI has delivered wonderful results in the form of better quality embryos, high egg fertilization rates which may result in better pregnancy rates.

 For more details please contact us through email id: nopa56@gmail.com

Phone number:   +91-40-2339 3483


IVF Centre in Hyderabad

An assisted reproductive treatment includes the handling of human eggs and sperm or embryos for the purpose of establishing a pregnancy. Juhi Fertility centre is a top fertility center in Hyderabad which all provide IVF and Surrogacy services in India at international standards.

In vitro fertilization: It is suggested in the case of premature ovarian failure where the procedure can be performed with donor eggs. Egg recovery is accomplished by a Transvaginal procedure which can be performed under local anesthesia.

Assisted hatching: Assisted hatching is a procedure of assisted reproductive technology and one of the treatment options to infertile couples. In some circumstances, assisted hatching increases the chances of pregnancy & this is performed in the laboratory by experienced embryologists using a very high powered microscope. Assisted hatching may improve the implantation of embryos into a woman’s uterine lining by creating an opening through which the embryonic cells can hatch out. Pregnancy cannot occur unless the embryo hatches.

ivf centre in hyderabad

Our mission is to provide individuals who are unable to conceive with the assistance they need to become parents, including matching them with an egg donor. There is hope through a procedure called in vitro fertilization (IVF) wherein developing embryos are inserted to a surrogate or woman’s uterus. There is Fertility Clinics in Hyderabad that offers affordable IVF packages with donor eggs.  For a pregnancy to result from any assisted reproductive technology procedure, the embryo must successfully implant into the uterus following the embryo transfer. Fertility Treatments have generated thousands of successful treatments and pregnancies for many childless couples and individuals.

For more details please contact us through email id: nopa56@gmail.com

Phone number:   +91-40-2339 3483



Egg donation Centre in Hyderabad

Gift of life through egg donation:

Egg donation program is giving hope to the large number of women who previously thought they could never have childrenEgg donation is the process by which women donate eggs for purposes of assisted reproduction. We are very proud of our successful egg donor program. Science and technology have provided us with a wonderful opportunity to help someone begin or grow their family.

Use of egg donation program:

Egg donation is a technique of fertility treatment that allows couples to become parents when the woman is unable to successfully conceive using her own eggs.

Donated eggs may be offered to women suffering premature menopause, those whose eggs will not fertilize, those whose ovaries have been removed or older women.

Egg donors Qualification criteria:

To become an egg donor you must have,

  • Non-smoker, Non-drug user
  • BMI should between the ranges of 18 to 28
  • Female between the ages of 21 to 32 with good overall health
  • Emotionally and physically  healthy
  • Have regular monthly periods
  • Having both ovaries and no reproductive problems
  • Willingness to take hormone injections

Egg donation centre in hyderabad

Once we have finalized the donor, the next step is to synchronize the patient’s and the donor’s menstrual cycle. We then start stimulating the donor to produce egg and at the same time we start the fertility drugs for the recipient to increase the lining of the uterus, which allows the embryo to implant. Once the egg is grown-up, oocyte aspiration is done and then fertilized with the partner’s sperm of the recipient, and the embryo is moved into the uterus of the patient after two to three days.

For more details please contact us through email id: nopa56@gmail.com

Phone number: +91-99494-22227